List of Affaire de Coeur Authors

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Below is the Affaire de Coeur's list of authors we believe you will thoroughly enjoy. Links will go to their web page, blog, or Amazon author page.

A - F


Pamela Ackerson

Christopher R Adams

Maggie Adams

Derick Aiken

JoAnn Smith Ainsworth

Mera Akiana

Jerrie Alexander

Shannie Alvarez

Tricia Andersen

Beth Andrews

Kate Angell

Vassilis - Antonis Issaris

Mike Arsuaga

Amanda Ashley

Jess Austen

Ayura Ayira

Cori Baill

Madeline Baker

Becky Barker

Samy Barnat

J T Baroni

Jina S Bazzar

Meg Benjamin

Vali Benson

Pam Binder

Marc Blatte

Nicholas Blue

Arnold Boleman

M E Bossier

Edward Brabham Jr

Celia Breslin

Rachel Brimble 

Linda Broday

L Brooks

L M Brown

Sharon Buchbinder

Kathleen Buckley

Alison Burke

DCL Authors

Deborah Camp

Steuart Campbell

Marsha Canham

John Carlshausen

Champagne Book Group

Ashlyn Chase

Elora Cheslav

Alana Church

W H Clark

John Colascione

Austin M Collings

Candace Colt

Ian Conner

M D Cooper

Gabriel Cox

Joe Custodi

Barbara Dan

CJ Darling

Marin Darmonkow

Suzy Davies

Dee Davis

Dyanne Davis

Elsie Davis

Patricia Lynn Denning

Kate Douglas

Andrea Downing

Marcel Ray Duriez 

Lady K Elkenheart

Ruben Elustondo

Nia Farrell

Michelle Felix

Chrys Fey

Rebecca Finley

Jeffrey Fischmann

Joanne Fisher

S Lee Fisher

Flo Fitzpatrick

Jody A Forrester

Jae El Foster

Elaine Franklin


G – M


Eve Garland

Paul Gasper

Randy Gauthier

Lani Gavin

Bathsheba Gibborim

Hugh Giblin

Juliette Godot

Ila Golden

Abhishek Ghosh

Anna Grace

Steve Grandinetti

Linda Griffin

Ali Hamdoun

Sharon Hamilton

William Hanna

W Michael Hewitt

Kathryn Hills

Valerie Hills

John Hope

Nicole Houston

Hubbard Books


Q Imagine

Invent and Discover

Jackie Ivie

Rider Jacobs

Glendall C Jackson III

Peggy Jaeger

Cameron D James

Karen Janowsky

Romonia Jean

Brenda Jernigan

Jean Joachim

Kenny John

Darynda Jones

Karina Kantas

Stan Kapuchinski

Emily K. Karlewicz

S Montana Katz

Elaine Kaye

DiVitto Kelly

Ryshia Kennie

Elizabeth Kesler

Noah Kling

Aaron T Knight

Jason Kondrath

Annette Czech Kopp

Gregory Kopp

Tiffany Kouadio

Bas Kreuger

R V G Kulkarni

Elizabeth Lane

Eve Langlais

T K Lawyer

Roz Lee

Gayle Leeson

Chris Lewando

Michael S Lingo

Afton Locke

Ester Lopez

Anna Lores

Shiloh Love

Sheri Lyn

Miranda Lynn

Sayonara Machado

Aaj ka Manto

Cathy Burnham Martin

Holly J Martin

Kat Martin

Kathy Martone

Roger Maxson

Cooper McKenzie

Haven Scott McVarish

Daniel V Meier

Isabella Milan

Eilidh Miller

Dario Mondanelli

Lucy Monroe

Maria Monte

C J H Moore

Kathi Morehead

Mary Jane Morgan

R E Mullins




N – Z


Gosia Nealon

LA Nettles

Miriam Newman

Taylor S Norman

Iris Novak

Judy Ortado

Deanna M Ossenkop

Haji Outlaw

Roland Page

Maria Papalia-Meier

Debra Parmley

K J Pierce

Michelle M. Pillow

Meara Platt

Henrietta Potgieter

Nicholas John Powter

Ilana Quinn

James Quinn

Dana Rachele

Teresa Reasor

Linda S Rice

Jonni Rich

Claudia Riess

Gini Rifkin

Teri Riggs

Thomas Roberts

Cecy Robson

Dee Rose

M. Glenda Rosen

Marc Rosenberg

j e Rosser

Annalisa Russo

Dawn Ryder

Victoria Saccenti

Yunus Salehi 

Brett Salter

Felicia Sanders

K E Saxon

QM Schaffer

Tricia Schneider

Mary Lu Scholl

Tamalyn Scott

Elizabeth Seckman

James Short

Alan L Simons

Rebecca Smee

Amanda J. Smith

Lisa A Sniderman

Blue Spruell

Sabine Starr

Susan Straley

Sandy Sullivan

Dr Michelle Swann

C A Szarek

Linda Thackeray

Jodi Thomas

Kaleb Thompson

Cheryl Tirrell

Anthony J Toledo

Savai Toler

Gayle Trent

Paul Twivy

Leanne Tyler

Tricia Tyler

Dana Vilandre

Bailee Walker

Andre Wallace

Lynn Wallace

Jean Watters

Stephen Wayne

Anne Welch

Eliza Wilde

Jennifer Wilck

Dianna Wilkes

Rebecca Rae Williams

Greene M Wills

Will Winkle

JC Wittol

M O Wodi

Morgan Wyatt

Mohsen Zargaran

Linda Zern

Steve Zettler

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